How To Hear The Voice Of God
Thank you for being an Ambassador of Hope with us at Compassion to Action. Your prayers and partnership mean a lot to us and you are helping us reach America and beyond with the gospel.
This month I really wanted to write to you about how we are designed to hear the voice of God. Faith comes by hearing God speak.
My prayer for you is that through this short teaching of the will of God and ways to position yourself to hear the voice of God that you will be energized with faith in knowing that God wants to talk with you.
In Hebrews 1:1-2 we discover that God has always been speaking in various ways and is speaking through Jesus who is the Son of God.
Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe.
Hebrews 1:1-2
When I discovered that God has always been speaking in various ways and in these last days spoke loud and clear through Jesus the perfect will of God, my heart came alive.
Do you remember when you came to faith and put faith in Jesus? It was the voice of God speaking to you that drew you to Jesus.
In John 10:3 we see that the shepherd is Jesus. He speaks to His sheep and they hear His voice and follow Him. Here, that’s you and I and we hear Him and choose to follow Him.
I remember in 1999 at YWAM, my leaders told me that God wanted to speak to me. Really? For some reason I had this disempowering mindset that told me that God will only speak to prophets and that is not me.
They told me to have a morning devotion and take my Bible and a journal and read my Bible with a listening ear. They shared that God speaks in many different ways and will be backed up by the word of God if it is the Lord.
One day I sat outside in the early morning with my Bible open and my journal. After spending time just thanking the Lord for what He was doing in my heart, I saw a picture in my mind that would not go away.
I saw myself carrying a torch of fire. That morning in class the question was asked by one of my leaders, what did God speak to you or show you?
Many people shared things and I sheepishly raised my hand and shared how I saw a picture of me carrying a torch in my hand. I did not know what that really meant at the time but my leaders encouraged me that that was connected to the Holy Spirit and what He wanted to do in me and through me.
I tucked it away in my heart as a prayer point. Have you ever had God show you a picture in your mind that will not go away that you know is not from yourself?
God wants to train us to hear His voice and to have an expectation that God wants to speak to us.
Here are 5 things that I know will encourage you concerning on how to hear the voice of God.
Know that it is in the DNA of God to speak.
Know and have expectation that God wants to speak to you and through you.
Carve out time in your daily rhythm to make space to listen for His voice. This might be in the morning, afternoon or evening. Put away all distractions and just be still and open your Bible and take your journal out.
Understand that a relationship with Jesus means that opening up your heart and asking questions and listening with ears to hear is important. Faith comes by hearing His voice.
When God speaks to you, be fast to obey. Give your self grace to discover how He wants to speak to you. Understand that at times the way He spoke at one time might be different than the next.
Think about it this way. We all have many forms of communication and it does not all take place through our natural voice. We use body language, email, text, etc. This is the same with God.
God speaks in many ways. The important thing is to have ears to hear and follow the great shepherd, Jesus Christ, in what He is telling us to do.
The more we listen and obey, the more is given to us. His voice is a treasure and when we value it, we actually attract it.
Here are scriptures on having ears to hear that I would like to share with you before I pray for you.
Matthew 11:15
Matthew 13:9
Matthew 13:13
Matthew 13:34
Mark 4:23
Mark 7:16
My prayer for you is that you would hear God speak to you so clearly in this season and enjoy the adventure of hearing and obeying Him. I am praying a blessing over your family. I am praying that whatever you put your hand to when He speaks will prosper.
Faith comes by hearing the voice of God.